Are you tired of having to spend every facation visiting your family? Are you tired of being made to feel selfish because you want to do something else on your vacation besides sit on a couch and stare at your parents' television? It's hard to shake off those feelings of guilt. All the same, sometimes you need some vacation time you can actually enjoy. Why not have an adventure the next time you get some vacation days? You might even be able to fit in a weekend adventure trek and still be able to make stop at your parent's house. Check out these adventure travels vacations!
Dog sledding is great fun! You might think that dog sledding can only be done by professionals who are trained in the sport. This is true for the Iditarod race. If you just want to explore the sport a little bit and have some fun, Alaskan Husky Adventures is what you need. This group offers package deals for both two and three day adventures. During the day you are given guided tours and trained on the sleds by trained professionals and then during the evenings you relax in the cabins (you need to take your own food). Palawan hotels is a must if you want to relax.
Dude Beaches can be great adventure travels for the whole family. In Nebraska, the Ponderosa Ranch is a labor-intensive and vacation ranch. You can stay in the ranch's guest cabins. During the day you act as a real working ranch hand. Guests get atop a horse and help round up cattle and drive them from one bit of ranch acreage to another. During the evening, there are campfire stories, down home cooking and other wonderful activities to participate in. During your free time you have tons of options, from hunting and fishing, or hiking to horseback riding. This is a terrific vacation for families because people from all age groups and skill levels can participate.
Do you love the thought of being up close to big game? Have you always tossed the idea around of seeing exotic animals in the native lands? Why not take an adventure on an African Safari. There are tours that go all around the African continent. Pick on of the many trusted companies and let them show you hippos, elephants and giraffes in their homelands. See prides of lions and packs of hyenas. You can see birds you have only watched in a zoo. An adventure travel cut out for an animal love is definitely a Safari. There are so many different ways to define "adventure travels." For some people it includes crazy adventures, like hiking the highest mountains in the world or experiencing extreme climate conditions. For others it involves challenges they do not face in everyday life like driving cattle, hiking different terrain, etc. Still for others, adventure travels include some learning time for new things and still having a stress-free trip. To summarize: it doesn't matter what kind of interests you have, you should be able to find an adventure vacation meant for you!