The horrific discovery of thinning hair can be stressful. The initial shock of those first strands of hair in the brush can be quite difficult to absorb. It is equally traumatic when you first notice your scalp when you look in the mirror. Most men have trouble swallowing this reality.
For a few men this means they are no longer as young and viril as they once were and brings about other concerns too. The fact is that hair loss does not reall mean any of that. In fact, the more you know about your hair loss, the better able you will be to cope with it. We will discuss here some ways to cope with your hair loss. According to some studies, using Fenugreek can do a lot in solving this issue. In order to get the best results from treatment you need to know the cause first. Have you been attempting to shed some pounds lately? Have you been using dietary supplements to lose the weight? These have been shown to cause thinning and baldness especially in men. STOP! Think about what you are doing to your hair, it's a proven fact that these types of medications can cause hair loss. The hormones these pills mess with are the same ones that promote hair growth. If the inches are coming off just as fast as the hair is falling out you need to talk to your doctor.If you are looking for more healthy herbs, you should take a glance at Gymnema Sylvestre and read more about it.
The best way to determine what kind of treatment would work for you is to seek the underlying cause of your hair loss. For some men, it is a simple hormone imbalance that is causing their hair to thin. Many hormones such as testosterone levels can lead to hair loss. Be sure and consult with your doctor for options as soon as you see signs of hair loss or thinning. The use of hormone replacement therapies are best determine by simple blood tests.
Were you aware that some shampoo has been proven to cause hair loss? You might want to shop for a shampoo that is made for your hair type to avoid causing more damage and continued hair loss. This is especially true of specialty shampoos or shampoos that have been prescribed by doctors. The first thing you should do when you notice hair thinning is try changing shampoos. A change like this could potentially save you alot of money if it turns out to be the problem. Talking to your doctor must always be your first line of defense just to be sure. Noone can tell for sure just how many causes there are for hair loss. You also have many options to treat and prevent or reduce the effects on your scalp. Make a point of asking your doctor about options. He might have ideas of other methods you should consider. You could also just save yourself the headache of dealing with it all and shave your head.